Radionuclides on glaciers (Radioizotopy na lodowcach)

Radionuclides on glaciers (Radioizotopy na lodowcach)

Glaciers are not as pristine as we usually see them (or wanna see). Despite the fact they are located in remote places, as humans we keep leaving footprints in these peculiar, cold ecosystems. Nuclear weapon tests, disintegration of satellites or accidents in power plants such as Chernobyl resulted in contaminations from radioactive radioisotopes of caesium … Continue reading

Ice Alive (Żyjący Lód)

Ice Alive (Żyjący Lód)

Dear readers, please see amazing video made by Joe Cook (author of biocryomorphology) and legendary Chris Hadfield (first astronaut who sang “Space Oddity” beyond the Earth). This excellent movie explain importance of glacial biology in a nutshell. Enjoy the film! Ice Alive (Żyjący Lód) Drodzy Czytelnicy, zobaczcie niesamowite wideo wykonane przez Joe Cooka (autora biokryomorfologii) … Continue reading